Tag Archives: d/g

The D/G Fic Exchange: Now on its second big day!

And the FIA D/G Fic Exchange enters its SECOND DAY! We’ve already received several prompts. There’s no time like the present to turn yours in… πŸ˜‰ And just for inspiration, here’s another pic!
dg mythic kiss orange moon

The D/G Fic Exchange BEGINS!!!

dg sorc solitude_04

From the LJ Community:

Hey all,

So… today is the long-awaited day! The very FIRST day of the D/G Fic Exchange A-GoGo of 2013/14! I’m so glad you’re all here! We’re going to have a GREAT exchange.

So here’s what to do now.

Submit a prompt request based on what you want to see in a fic written for you. Here’s the template– and remember that the basic theme is rebirth/regeneration.

Name/Pen Name:
LJ Username: (If you have one)
Will you be 17 by February 12?
Have you participated in the dgficexchange before?


Briefly describe what you’d like to receive in your fic:
The tone/mood of the fic:
An element/line of dialogue/object you would specifically like in your fic:
Preferred rating of the the fic you want:
More canon, or more AU?
Deal Breakers (anything you don’t want?):

Are you willing to receive art instead of a fic?
If yes, what kind of artwork would you like to receive?
Is there anything you specifically don’t want?

If you don’t have a livejournal account and don’t want to sign up for one, you can cut, paste, and fill out the template and email it to the mods at dgfics[at] gmail.com anyway.

Check out the rules on the userinfo page if you need a refresher, and let us know if you have any questions! Signups will be open until DECEMBER 10TH.

The previous mods USED TO take the prompt requests as comments on this first post, but I’ve decided that the email option will be easier to handle. That having been said, PLEASE feel free to comment on the prompts or anything else right here. πŸ™‚

Don’t forget, send them to dgfics @gmail.com
Click on the pic above to go to the LJ community. πŸ™‚


We now have enough money to fund FIA for another year! YAY!!!
(runs around screeching incoherently)
(scares cat)

Thank you, thank you, INFINITE thank you to everybody who contributed!!! I will send individual thanks, and I’m going to find out how to do that gold star thing. Also, I’ll make a YT video with users’ pennames. (If everyone wants. I’ll check.)

Such a happy wonderful day! This renews my belief in the basic goodness of humanity!
(Okay, maybe that was a LITTLE over the top… but reaching the goal is a great thing. πŸ˜‰

And tomorrow, the FIA Fic Exchange Begins! Watch this space for announcements.

Why an FIA WP Blog anyway? Well, read on…

Why is that chair there? Because Draco is anatomically correct. That’s why. And we don’t have an age statement thing yet. And don’t forget that the fic exchange starts IN TWO DAYS!!! Click on the pic above to learn more! Anyway. And now, for something completely different, because I’ve been thinking about this…
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All Fics Aren’t In English…

spanish dg

There’s an idea that’s starting to come up in discussion. XXXEauDeToilettexxx, who runs a D/G Spanish language FB page, is asking if we can put up Spanish language fics on FIA. YES!!!!! was my first reaction. πŸ˜‰ I would love to get some diversity there!!

The only thing, though, is that I can’t do what ffnet does, which is to make fics searchable by category. The Efiction platform itself is going to need to be updated first, and who knows how long that will take. BUT. If we get them up there, I will do everything in my power to pimp them. I will read and review, even if I have to put the whole fic through Babelfish. (I had six years of Spanish in high school and college, but it’s unbelievable how fast a language goes if you don’t use it…) Spanish has got to be the most practical language you could learn in the U.S., by far. So I need to get back to it, and reading these fics is the perfect reason! πŸ™‚

I will also do the same thing for fics in any other language. Okay, if they use a different keyboard, this may start to get difficult. But I DO have a friend in another fandom who speaks and writes Japanese pretty well. So we’ll make it work.

Hey,everybody out there in the non-English speaking world!! What do you think?

P.S.: To all: And Happy Day-After-Thanksgiving! πŸ™‚
aka, eating all the leftovers for breakfast even though you said you’d never eat again after last night. πŸ˜›

More About D/G Recs

Hey all,
So I was thinking some more about the question of a NEW list of D/G fic recs. The most updated thing is definitely the ff.net group list. The FIA list definitely does have some classics on it. But we need something new!! SO… I need some advice on how to come up with a new list. I really think we’ll need to get votes and suggestions. If I can ever get more people to come back to the FIA forums, then that would be a good place to do it… but I haven’t had much luck with that project SO far. I will absolutely start new ofic forums on WP. But NOT until after the fic exchange. (I’M not even that crazy, which is saying a lot. :P)

So I’ll put up a page here soon (“D/G Fic Recs”) and just keep adding to it. All suggestions welcome! πŸ™‚

The Evil Posting Plan

So here’s how the posting plan is going to go:

Let’s say that we have a post for FIA. Maybe it’s on the topic of fic recommendations. Here’s how it would be posted.

Here on the WP blog: Link, pic, the ONLY place that gets any amount of text.
Then it’s on to…

Facebook: Gets the short version with a pic and a link.

tumblr: Gets an even shorter version with a pic and a link.
dreamwidth: yes, I’m officially nuts. I added this one, even though I don’t know how much I’m actually going to bother doing with it. I don’t know, DW is a great idea, but it’s like it never has reached a critical mass of people using it yet, and I don’t know if it ever will. But there IS a D/G FIA page now.

LJ: I’m not sure I’d post it there, because the dgficexchange account is just going to be used for the fic exchange from Dec.1st on.

Twitter: Jess will post this, and obviously it’s the shortest version of all! πŸ˜‰

News Item on Front Page of FIA: I’d probably announce that and give a link, but a lot of things will get posted here and fb, tumblr, and twitter that wouldn’t make it there.

Pinterest: I don’t know; this one is new. I guess I’d link to a pic?

Mailchimp list: (when we have it… Feb 2014 is my guess) Organized with other news and sent out as part of a newsletter with lots of pics. πŸ™‚

So that’s it for now! Comments?

A New D/G Fic Recommendation List

Hey all,

So… I’m starting to hear something from D/G readers more and more lately. Well, I’m starting to hear a FEW things (all good! πŸ˜‰ But this particular thing is:


“Can you recommend some good D/G fics?”

I think it’s a really good sign that we’re starting to hear this, because it means that interest is picking up. But, then, of course, the question is… okay… where to steer people to?

Here’s the basic list of D/G classics, as chosen by FIA members. It’s NOT up to date, but there are some great fics on it.
The D/G Classics

I would really like to see this updated, but that is NOT a project that even *I* am crazy enough to take on right before the fic exchange starts. And that’s saying a lot! πŸ˜›

Next, there’s the ffnet group list:

The DG Forum’s Favorite Fics.
These are both good places to start. I’ll post more tomorrow! πŸ™‚




The WP Blog Begins!

corr_d and g couple_07


Hey all,

SO… yay!! The WP FIA blog now exists!! If you’re here when it’s first up, you may notice a generic theme and a certain lack of content. πŸ˜‰ These things WILL be fixed; I’m just not sure when. The D/G Fic Exchange a GoGo of 2013/14 begins on Dec 1st– a week from today!! So my guess is that there won’t be much done with this blog until January. Still, that’s not very far away.


We have a tumblr blog, a FB page, a YT channel, and a Twitter account, and links to those will be up soon. But WP is where I REALLY want us to have a presence.




I guarantee that I’ll be posting more rants about this point…
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